Save the Date - Phillips Pet Buying Show on May 5, 2025 at Universal City, CA!
Business Hours Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM | 1-800-451-2817

To Our Valued Partners,
As states allow for more businesses to reopen, the Phillips Sales Team is preparing to visit retail stores in person once again. We are excited to announce the sales team will be returning to the field beginning the week of June 1st, while adhering to the guidance from the CDC, State and Local governments. The team is filled with enthusiasm to be back on site partnering with you on your business needs, helping you better serve your customers, and strategizing around navigating the constantly evolving pet industry in ways that can only be fully realized by visiting with you at your location. We understand that there will be differing comfort levels when it comes to store visits and want to assure you that we’ll work with you on returning to visit at your pace and take the necessary actions to keep everyone safe & healthy amid the COVID-19 pandemic.     
Your safety and the safety of our team drive the precautionary measures we will follow as we begin this transition. 

  • In Store Visits are by Appointment Only – YOU own the choice of whether you would like to have our reps visit you in person
  • In Store Visits are limited to Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday – Monday thru Friday our team will still be available online and over the phone
  • Our Sales Team Members will be required to wear masks at all times when visiting a store
  • 6 ft Social Distancing measures will be adhered to
  • Our team will be equipped with a COVID Safety kit that includes masks, gloves and hand sanitizer to be used when visiting your location

We applaud you for the thoughtful safety measures you have enacted to keep your employees and customers protected. If you have any requirements of our team before they enter your store, please be sure to let them know what those are. We are all in this together and our team wants to ensure we are taking every precaution for a safe return.
Thank you for your continued partnership, trust and support.
We look forward to seeing you soon!

Bill Hooker
SVP Sales & Marketing

Phillips Pet Food & Supplies